Lorenzital and Bettlerweg

The Bettlerweg runs from the Parpfienzalp up through the Lorenzital, one of the most peaceful, quiet and lovely places we know. What more is there to say, except maybe that it leads up to the top of the Gulmasteig and the Amatschonjoch and that it is beautiful in either direction. Oh, yes, the flowers are abundant, varied and gorgeous.
Lower end of Lorenzital, with path to Niggenkopf on the right. The Parpfienzalp is hidden behind the trees.  sj81 19a065 Starting out up the Bettlerweg  sj80 18a075 Farther on, the cliffs are to the north of the Amatschonjoch.  sj86 31b025 Farther up, the Lorenzital becomes narrower. And a creek runs through it. Or did, at least. Apparently, the valley has suffered much from ice and stone slides. Nature does not look out for what we find to be beautiful.  sj89 40a029
A rest stop beside the creek  sj84 25b008 Narrow path dug into the grass  sj91 45b063 Near the top, a series of zigzags climbs up to the Gulmasteig.  sj84 25b006 There are often Gemsen (mountain goats) off in those rocks. In this picture, they are too small to distinguish.  sj85 28a048
The Lorenzital, especially higher up, is wonderful for flowers, such as these marvellous Enzian.  sj86 31b030 Feld-Kleinenzian  sj91 45b066 In the summer, water frequently washes down rock slides like this one.  sj93 50a074 How green is my Lorenzital!  sj95 54a040
Bright yellow all over  sj95 54a044 Punktierte Enzian  sj95 54a045 Don't know what these are, but they are pretty.  sj95 54a048 Grossblütiger Enzian  sj95 54a049
Trollblume (globe flowers)  sj95 54a050b