Simple paths

From Brand itself, there are several easy paths for starters, quite pretty and with a wide array of flowers/
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The Kellanegg is a narrow cleft in the rock on the easteern siide of the valley, near the Waldweg  br00 kellanegg A path zigzags up the Kellaneggweg.  sj83 23a025 The Kellanegg  sj83 23a027 The Kellanegg  sj83 23a028
The Kellanegg viewed from Haus Kella Egg  sj83 23a029 The Bügmiweg (and its extension, the Thöner-Höheweg) run along the western side of the valley.  sj84 25b059 Way up to the Bügmiweg  sj85 27b027 Orchid on the Bügmiweg  sj85 27b028
Herself on the Bügmiweg  sj85 27b032 Herself again  sj87 34b005 Himself on the Bügmiweg  sj91 45b021 Gorgeous Enzian  sj87 34b007
Jr and Sr on the Waldweg  sj91 45b010 Sr on the Waldweg  sj91 45b009 Wild strawberries, but we won't say where!  sj95 54a020