
The Glingaweg is a more scenic way of reaching the lower Oberzalimweg. We took the Oberzalimweg mainly to reach the Untere- and Obere-Brüggele Alps.
The Glingaweg climbs through a lush forest alongside barriers constructed to control the water flow and reduce flooding. The result is a series of waterfalls.  sj88 37a063 Massive rocks along the torrent  sj88 37a066 Farther up, the stream is quite natural.  BR98 glinga 2a The Glinga-Quelle, source of the Glinga.  BR98 glinga 4a
At its upper end, the Glingaweg comes out on the Zalimweg.  sj88 37a068 Rolling meadows and flowers line the Zalimweg.  sj88 37a069 Colorful flowers  sj88 37a070 The Untere-Brüggele-Alp, is a great place to stop the eat ones sandwich with some fresh is  sj92 48a016
Resting by a hay-storage house  sj81 19a053 Panülerkopf looms up beyond the Oberzalimweg.  br81 zalimtal b Oberzalim-Hütte on the horizon  br81 oberzalim hut a Up there on the horizon is the Mannheimer-Hütte.  sj81 19a058
There are many flowers here too, like these tiny blue Enzian,  sj81 19a059