This temple is dedicated to the goddess
Nahla narrated her story in a fascinating way. To summarize, Isis
was the wife of the god Osiris. When Seth, Osiris's jealous brother,
killed Osiris and hid his body, Isis managed to find the corpse and
united with it to produce their son, the falcon-headed god, Horus. When
Seth went even farther and cut Osiris's body into pieces and had them
scattered all over Egypt, Isis went looking for them, in order to
reassemble her husband. One of the pieces was found on Biggeh Island, just
across from Philae, hence the holiness of the spot. Later, Isis was identified with the goddess Hathor.
The son et
lumière is very pretty to see, in spite of the inanely pompous
(The music is even worse, "mysterious" strings and celestial choirs...
After that, we decided not to go see the next son et lumière.)
It was during this one that a voice called several times, "Oh Nile!",
which in French is pronounceded "Oh Neel", causing our
friends to turn, chuckling, in our direction.