Up Theater pictures by Magda Molin » Sex i elden (Out of the Frying Pan) Prev Next Slideshow

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  sex_20100426155952_b.jpg - The six young aspiring actors who are rehearsing a play to become accepted by a producer as professional actors. From top left Tony - Bengt Brunskog; Marge - Rangnvi Lindbladh; Dottie - Inge Waern; Norman - Curt Masreliez; George, the leader of the group - Gunnar Str��t; Kate - Barbro Fleege. The action takes place in the living room of a studio apartment on a side street off 5th Avenue.  

The six young aspiring actors who are rehearsing a play to become accepted by a producer as professional actors. From top left Tony - Bengt Brunskog; Marge - Rangnvi Lindbladh; Dottie - Inge Waern; Norman - Curt Masreliez; George, the leader of the group - Gunnar Str��t; Kate - Barbro Fleege. The action takes place in the living room of a studio apartment on a side street off 5th Avenue. Download
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