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tre man hand-1_cr_bb
tre man hand-2_cr_b
  tre_man_20120109140424_bbb.jpg - It's best to be three. J�rgen has found total bliss with both Elisabeth and Kate. Everybody is happy. Kate tells Johannes that she could never live without Elisabeth, who is the anchor in her life. Elisabeth is the one who manages everything, including Kate's baby, since she never had any of her own. Elisabeth says to Johannes: "There's something you have to understand -- a child is a child."  

It's best to be three. J�rgen has found total bliss with both Elisabeth and Kate. Everybody is happy. Kate tells Johannes that she could never live without Elisabeth, who is the anchor in her life. Elisabeth is the one who manages everything, including Kate's baby, since she never had any of her own. Elisabeth says to Johannes: "There's something you have to understand -- a child is a child." Download
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