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duo 48 n-2 prov_bb_ww
duo 48 prov_dd_cl_ww
duo 48 - b-2_b
duo 48 - b-7_aa
duo 48 - b-8_b
  Duo 1948-grey-cr.jpg - Together they talk about building a new future for their business. They make detailed plans and we get the impression that the storm is over. They decide to go back to Paris the very next day. They will pull their business up from its financial criisis and their marriage will get back on solid ground. As Alice has fallen asleep on the couch, however, Michel opens the window, climbs out and goes down to the swollen river to drown himself.  

Together they talk about building a new future for their business. They make detailed plans and we get the impression that the storm is over. They decide to go back to Paris the very next day. They will pull their business up from its financial criisis and their marriage will get back on solid ground. As Alice has fallen asleep on the couch, however, Michel opens the window, climbs out and goes down to the swollen river to drown himself. Download
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