The Agrup family
Saturday Oct 1 in Linköping

     Visit to Måns & Maria, Anna & Johan - walk in Old Linköping

Old Linköping and Måns' whole family plus Siv.
A charming store in old Linköping where art objects mostly made of wood are sold at considerable prices.

Anna och Måns Maria och Johan

Torna Hällestad

Sunday Oct 2, 2005
Happy bouillabaise chez Sara and Håkan

Kajsa, Siv & Sara
Siv is struggling with a langoustine - delicious!
Still struggling, but I did manage!

Sara and Siv are smiling towards Gun. Olof, Håkan och Peter in the back. Charlotta is very busy with her langoustine on the right. A small glimpse of Johanna in the foreground, left.

Is Olof rubbing Per's shoulders?
John is in the middle of telling a story that seems to be interesting to judge from the way everybody is paying attention. He is sitting between Gun and Charlotta.
Peter is on the left and Johanna and Kajsa on the right.
Olof is explaining to Siv how to take pictures with Siv's mobile phone and how to make them show up as the wallpaper.

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