Files needed for constructing web slide show with are = the script (program) something.sld = xnview sld file with list of slides first.gif prev.gif top.gif = gif files for pointer images next.gif last.gif slides.css = style sheet (may be modified manually) How to do it. 1. Put all these files _and_ the picture files (from the list) into a directory (folder) somewhere. 2. Use FastStone viewer to construct thumbnails (Tools > Batch Convert/Rename) with Advanced Options (100x75) and Renane to *_tn, in the same folder. 3. Run with appropriate options/ Examples: $ -h -- Write web slideshow from sld file. Usage: [-h] Reads xnview sld file and creates web slide show. -h ==> display this help. -c ==> number columns in thumbnail table. -m ==> name of menu file (default thumbnail_menu). -om ==> only make menu page. -op ==> only make picture pages. -t ==> title for slide show. $ -v -m chez_jj -c4 -t "Chez Jean-Jacques" chez_jj.sld Will do file chez_jj.html Will do file IMG_4570.html Will do file IMG_4572.html Will do file IMG_4573.html Will do file IMG_4574.html Will do file IMG_4576.html Will do file IMG_4578.html Creates these html files for pictures, as well as chez_jj.html with thumbnails.