The long walk to Gemslücke which we first decided to make in 1991 with our German friends Fritz and Renate and after that repeated a few times on our own, from different directions, was one of the absolute high points of all Brand and Montafon walks. After the long walk up the Totalpweg to the Todalphütte (where we rest some) comes what is called the Totalpe, the dead Alp, but dead it is not. It's a stony up and down stretch of a few kilometers over an area covered with gorgeous flowers and varying kinds of moss. The view from Gemslücke, once you arrive there up a hillside of treacherous scree is so overwhelming that, even if the long stretch across the rocks had not been so beautiful in an austere way, it would still have been worth the effort to get there just to see this view of the Swiss valley. It is a long way back to Lünersee via Gafalljoch. |
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