1 Schoolchildren visiting the museum (21st century) |
 2 The museum's bronze collection |
 3 Shiva and Parvati |
 4 Androgynous Shiva, right side male, left side female - or else, the merging of Shiva and Parvati, the masculine and feminin forces of Shiva |
 5 Mahishasuramardini (left, about 10th century) and Maheswari (right, about 11th century) |
 6 Maheswari |
 7 Appar (about 15th century) |
 8 Elephant and rider |
 9 Tirugnanasambandar (about 15th century) |
 10 Elephant and rider |
 11 Kali (about 10th century) |
 12 Parvati (detail, about 10th century) |