Schweizertorweg to Lindauer-Hütte

We planned to start out early from the Douglass-Hütte, walk around the east side of the Lünersee, then take the Schweitzertorweg to the LIndauer-Hütte and spend the night there before continuing on. But things did not turn out as we had planned...
Here we set out from the Douglass-Hütte.  sj81 19b020 Flowers are wonderful on this walk -- as on all of them. But this altitude, about 2000m, seems to produce really amazing examples, llike these small yellow flowers growing among the rocks.  sj81 19b022 At the southern end of the Lünersee, looking west towad Scesaplana...  sj81 19b023 ... and east towards the Schweizertorweg  sj81 19b025
It is amazing how mountain flowers manage to grow almost everywhere, including among stones like these.  sj81 19b026 Alpenaster  sj81 19b027 Gelbe Enzian (yellow gentiane), the ones used for the eau de vie  sj81 19b028 Siv, what is this?  sj81 19b029
Zwergenzian (dwarf gentiane) of an intense blue  sj81 19b031 Stones and snow in a pass  sj81 19b032 From Verajöchli, the path descends and then climbs back up to the Öfajoch.  br81 schweizertorweg bb The impressive Schweizertor ("Swiss gate"), leading through the Kirchlispitzen into Switzerland  br81 lindauerhut 02 a
At a crossroads: "Keep the mountains clean"  sj81 19b034 Looking from the Öfajoch down towards the Lindauer-Hütte...  sj81 19b035 ... and back towards the Schweizertorweg  sj81 19b037 Descending now  sj81 19b038
Wolfs-Eisenhut  sj81 19b040 Blaue Eisenhut (Monk's hood)  sj81 19b041 Finally, resting at the Lindauer-Hütte, only to learn there is no room for the night and we will have to walk on down to the valley and look for transport back to Brand. Phooey!  sj81 19b043 Die Drei Türme, seen from Lindauer-Hütte  sj81 19b044