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MALMÖ STADSTEATER – LEVANDE TEATER I BILD – Photos by Magda Molin covering the years 1945 through 1948, collected and treated by Siv Molin O'Neall, Lyon, France. This huge project could never have been undertaken and completed without the most capable and enthusiastic cooperation of Elzbieta Fasciszewska Lejczak, Manager at Malmö Opera Arkiv.
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Arsenik och gamla spetsar (Arsenic and Old Lace)
Best pictures
Blodsbröllop (Blood Wedding)
Bortom horisonten (Beyond the Horizon)
Brudgum mot sin vilja (Le Mariage forcé)
Cirkus Sanger (The Constant Nymph)
Det var en gång (Once Upon a Time)
Drömmarnas berg (High Tor)
Dödens arlekin (Death's Harlequin)
En månad på landet (A Month in the Country)
En skugga (A shadow)
Ett Drömspel (A Dream Play)
Eugen Onegin
Född i går (Born Yesterday)
Glada änkan (The Merry Widow)
Glasmenageriet (The Glass Menagerie)

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