Luxor -- fields and city


Luxor is a major tourist center, since there are several highly interesting sites in the area:

But the city of Luxor is interesting in itself. We made a fascinating tour by calèche. We started out about 17:30, but it was still about 37°C.

La calèche Champs de Louxor
Our driver's name was Moustafa;
the horse's, Rambo.
Fields and palm trees on the edge of town
Champs de Louxor Champs de Louxor
Beautiful green and gold of the Egyptian fields Gathering alfalfa for the horses

Returning to town, the calèches drove through the souk -- the real one. It was so colorful and vibrant, we would have preferred to do it on foot. But there was not enough time...

Au soukh Au soukh
Colors of the souk
Au soukh Noria
Hardware A sakièh (well)

Another beautiful site to visit in Luxor is the Luxor Museum, where we spent a tranquil hour before leaving Luxor and Egypt. For us, the marvel of this museum is the statue of the pharaoh Tuthmosis III in greywacke, a stone composed of angular grains of feldspath, quartz and other rocks, cemented by clay and slightly metamorphic. This composition gives an impression of surface porosity remarkably like that of human skin. The result, in this case, is simply superb.

 Statue de Touthmosis III

[Photo in public domain]

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